Design a product for skiing


Read this framework to learn how to structure your answer and guide your thought process.

Design a Non-Meta Product
A framework to answer an open-ended question about how to design a new non-Facebook product.

Helpful Hints

Here are some helpful hints to get you started on your answer:

  • Ask questions to narrow down design options. For example, which company is making the product? The answer will help you make design decisions that align with the company’s line of products and mission.
  • Ask about the timeline because this will affect your solution choices.
  • If the company is well known, state a business objective after analyzing the company’s business state and position relative to competitors. If the company is a startup, identify where in the Ski products supply chain there is an opportunity for a startup to play and win. The supply chain may include Ski resorts, Ski sports products for personal use, Ski clothing products, infrastructure/maintenance for Ski resorts, etc
  • Segment and identify the most profitable target segment for the company.
  • List at least five pain points and prioritize one.
  • Ideate at most three solutions and prioritize one.
  • Mention the risks of your solution.

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