What change you will make to the LinkedIn website to increase its sales by 5%?


Read this framework to learn how to structure your answer and guide your thought process.

Helpful Hints

Here are some helpful hints to get you started on your answer:

  • Describe what LinkedIn is, its users, and what key problems they solve.
  • Describe LinkedIn’s revenue model and identify the key source of revenue (e.g., recruiting services, advertising, and subscriptions, where recruiting brings the most revenue, 65%)
  • Prioritize the user segment for which you will improve the experience. Use criteria such as the impact on the business goal (of increasing sales by 5%).
  • List the segment’s problems that you think will increase sales, and prioritize one based on one level of pain, reach, and impact on the business goal.
  • Ideate three solutions and prioritize one based on impact on the user, impact on the business goal, and lowest cost or complexity.
  • Talk about the risks of your solution and how to mitigate them.

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