You are the PM of LinkedIn Premium. If the number of new signups decreased, what would you do?
Interview Questions
Execution / Problem Diagnostic
Stripe customers have seen a significant decline in conversion at the Stripe Checkout page. What would you do?
You are a PM at Swiggy. Orders decreased by 20% in the last week. What would you do?
What would you do if the Lyft app were experiencing an increase in cancellations?
What would you do as a YouTube PM if time spent goes down by 20% in one day?
You are a PM at Amazon. If the number of sold items has stayed the same, but revenue has decreased over the same period, how would you determine what is happening?
The number of daily visitors has decreased for the New York Times home page by 15%. What do you do?
If you notice a 10% drop in drivers, how would you find the cause? How would you fix it?
After you made a feature change to the DoorDash app, the number of orders remains flat. What do you do?
The number of drivers in a city is decreasing. How do you figure out what's going on?
Imagine you are Lime's product manager. Signups are increasing, but usage is not. What do you do?
How would you triage a 10% drop in rider cancellations?